Electromagnetic interference analysis  

LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT After successfully passing the course, a student understands basic concepts of EMC with an emphasis on their underlying physics and mathematical description. Furthermore, the student is able to (a) apply the Laplace transform to the analysis of causal signals; (b) derive the shielding efficiency of planar shields; (c) derive the characteristic impedance of simple transmission lines; (d) derive integral equations for EM scattering analysis; (e) describe EM radiation from fundamental antennas; (f) apply the Lorentz reciprocity theorem to systems EM susceptibility analysis. COURSE CURRICULUM 1. Introduction to ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 2. A brief tour to vector calculus and integral theorems 3. Fundamentals of EM field theory 4. Signal analysis with an emphasis to the Laplace transform and its applications 5. Properties of EMC standard pulses; spectral (Bode) diagrams and spectral bounds 6. Shielding effectiveness of conductive sheets 7. Time-domain transmission-line theory; calculation of the characteristic impedance 8. Integral representations of EM fields 9. Integral-equation EM scattering analysis 10. EM emissions from radiating sources 11. Lorentz reciprocity theorems; interaction with Kirchhoff's systems 12. EM susceptibility of Kirchoff's systems 13. Transmission-line susceptibility analysis AIMS The course is aimed to introduce students to (a) the mathematical representation of causal, EMC related signals with an emphasis on applications of the Laplace transform; (b) the modeling of electromagnetic (EM) interference of Kirchhoff circuits and transmission lines; (c) the EM emission analysis; (d) the disturbing EM susceptibility analysis.
Electromagnetic interference analysis

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